Verena Mörath
Editing Text Photography
Bernhard-Lichtenberg-Strasse 22
10407 Berlin
Fon: +49.0175.24 28 267
All photos: © Verena Mörath
Header picture starting side: @line.moerath
Design & Programming
Frau Schroeder . Office for Online Communication
Responsible according to TMG (Telemediengesetz)
Responsible for the content of this site according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV is Verena Mörath. The contents of my site were created with the utmost care. However, I can not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content. Despite careful control of the contents, I do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. For the content of linked pages are solely responsible their operators.
All texts, sound bites and photos published on this website are protected by copyright. Unless otherwise stated, the copyrights are held by Verena Mörath. Reprinting, use and publication of texts or photos, whether in full or in part, is subject to a fee and requires the permission of the copyright holder in all cases. Violations can be reported with costs.