A really big lineage
2. December 2021
I really have a big family. Until now I could'nt count how many relatives I have.
Why do I have a family in Ghana?
3. December 2021
I was adopted by the eldest of a lineage among the Dagara people in Upperwest Ghana. He gave me a name: Nmingmale, since then I am a member of an extended family.
What ROOTS is about
4. December 2021
ROOTS is a starting point to show the lifes of farmers in the Upperwest and also to continue with the history of a special family with whom I lived for some months 32 years ago.
Past, present and future
4. December 2021
In August my adoptive mother, her name is Pigr, has died. I will travel to Hiineteng to attend the imporant funeral ceremony.
A project of the heart
4. December 2021
I will bring together the material of 1989, 2019 and 2021 and continue with the family history.
Flying and arriving
7. December 2021
It was the first long flight since the beginning of the Corona pandemic. The preparations already showed that travelling has become complicated and costly.
A grant – a big luck for ROOTS
7. December 2021
My journey and the project are made possible by a grant.
How the story shall be told
7. December 2021
My biggest wish is that Ernestina and I will realize the project together and in future also other family members.
Making off – the travel begins
10. December 2021
Ernestina, now called Tina, arrived and we started to work together.
Travelling to the ROOTS
12. December 2021
It was again a long adventure: 17 hours bus ride up to the North, then again three hours with the car to Hinneteng. But we arrived safely.
Village life
7. January 2022
At one o'clock in the morning, very punctually, the rooster beats his wings on the ground and crows a first time. At the latest at 3 o'clock and then more and more often until the sun rises around six.
10. January 2022
Co-working is the strategy of the women when there is heavy workload to do.
About marches, a market day and much more
18. January 2022
In a 5-days-rhythm is market in Fielmon. For the village people a big thing.
Cracking peanuts in a big round
23. January 2022
In the evening Titus called all children to sit down together, crack peanuts together, drink a sweet softdrink and to talk
Ernestina and me on a great mission
25. January 2022
Team Roots began to look for our interviewpartners just the second day after our arrival
Work and fun at the same time
25. January 2022
Ernestina tells why the project ROOTS is important for her and the family
Sheabutter – handmade
12. August 2022
Kleine fettige Bällchen aus Sheanüssen gewonnen
The funeral
13. August 2022
The funeral went on for three days. But the organization was an effort of more than six months preparations.
15. August 2022
Finally my photographs, my textes and videos will be shown.